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Installation and Configuration

Installation & Configuration is of course the main part of a project which is made easier by a qualified staff.


Find out more about energy & financing investments, which provides you with a detailed analysis of the investment you will make.

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Choose us, for a better tomorrow!

Why us?

IFD brings the best of renewable energy

Solar panels have made many gains in the field of renewable energy and are changing the way we produce and use energy. Here are some of the main benefits of solar panels.

What do we offer?

Our Services


Design, Supervision, Implementation

Detailed design
Supervision over the investment made in Energy and IT projects


Photovoltaic Systems

Consulting, Design, Installation, Configurations, Cleaning, Periodic Technical Controls


Electrical Cabins/Substations

Design and installation for high, medium and low voltage


Technology and Information Systems

Communication, Security and Information Systems

Learn about solar panel

Use the solar energy calculator

Our Certifications

Why should you choose us?

Because with us you save…

Some other benefits of solar panels are:

  • Enables installation in any home
  • Helps protect energy
  • Enables the rate of energy production
  • Reduces energy bill expenses
  • It helps distribute power in isolated areas

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